

  • TeraGrid Open Life Sciences Gateway, 2005 - 2007: $150,000
  • Middleware to Support Group to Group Collaboration, 2004 - 2006: $800,000
  • Access Grid & Microsoft Research Conference XP Project, 2003: $100,000


  • Cyberinfrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System
    09/01/09 – 8/31/12 $3M – $300K/year to MSU from National Science Foundation.This collaborative project between MT and KY and partners from industry and the public sector developed an integrated sensor and ecological informatics system through the use of modern cyberinfrastructure resources. I led the development of the data management and computational platform and infrastructure aspects of this project.
    Data Repository for Experimental Data
    11/09 – 12/10 $150,000. This project developed a prototype system for grant administrators at the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research to track research projects and perform meta-analysis of experimental results.
  • NeuroSys: Neuroinformatics for Neural Systems
    R01 MH64416-09 (PI Gwen Jacobs) 09/15/07 – 6/30/11 $2.1M from The National Institute of Health. This research built a database and set of tools to analyze both structural and functional neuroscience data, and developed the Yogo Data Management Toolkit providing the needed infrastructure for complex data management tasks.
  • The Access Grid: Group-to-Group Collaboration
    Funded through the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation EPSCoR Program. The Access Grid (AG) is an ensemble of resources that support human interaction across the grid, including multimedia display, presentation and interactive environments, interfaces to grid middleware, and interfaces to visualization environments. The Access Grid supports large-scale distributed meetings, collaborative work sessions, seminars, lectures, tutorials and training. The Access Grid’s design point is group-to-group communication (thus differentiating it from desktop to desktop based tools that focus on individual communication). The Access Grid environment enables both formal and informal group interactions. Large-format displays integrated with intelligent or active meeting rooms are a central feature of the Access Grid nodes. Access Grid nodes are "designed spaces" that explicitly contain the high-end audio and visual technology needed to provide a high-quality compelling user experience.
  • Prophesy
    Predicting future performance of applications on high-performance computers, from historical data. Efficient execution of an application requires insights into how system features impact the performance of the application. A distributed system consists of heterogeneous components, such as networks, processors, run-time systems, operating systems, etc., that complicate the task of understanding the performance impact of system features. Prophesy is an infrastructure for analyzing and modeling the performance of parallel and distributed applications. The core component of Prophesy, is a relational database that allows for the recording of performance data, system features and application details. As a result, Prophesy systems can be used to: develop models based on significant data; identify efficient implementation of a given function based upon the given system configuration; explore the various trends implicated by the significant data; predict performance on a different system.
  • The Voyager Video Server
    Desktop teleconferencing was common for years before more complex collaborative teleconferencing technology became available. A critical problem when using collaborative tools is archiving multistream, multipoint meetings and making the content available to others. Ideally, one would like the ability to capture, record, play back, index, annotate, and distribute multimedia stream data as easily as we currently handle text or still-image data. The Argonne Voyager project explored and developed media server technology needed to provide such a flexible, virtual multipoint recording/playback capability.
  • CAVEav
    The CAVEav library integrated streaming audio and video into the CAVE Virtual Reality system. The library allowed the reception of audio and video and the placement of video "tiles" anywhere in the virtual space. It also allowed the placement of virtual cameras so that video of the virtual environment could be shared with remote participants.
  • Hybrid Technology Multi-Threaded (HTMT) PetaFLOP Point Design Project
    I worked as part of this multi-institution team to design a PetaFLOP computing system that used integrated technologies to attain optimal performance. I served on the system software team to design and prototype software.
  • Early projects
    Fingerprint compression algorithms, stereo enabled robots controlled from within the CAVE, multicast network research, online text based virtual reality.